Week 16- MKTG 3347- The Interview


    Having feelings of nervousness is quite common before a job interview therefore it is very important that individuals prepare themselves in order to feel much more confident. Like stated in most of the previous chapters in What Color Is Your Parachute you must have a good understanding of yourself. Recruiters only have a general understanding of individuals from what is given to them via a resume therefore it is important to be able to sell yourself and express yourself with confidence. Now it is not uncommon for people to not fully understand themselves and it can jeopardize your job interview. Therefore if individuals prepare themselves for a job interview they will experience the following benefits; a confidence boost, good impression, and express their skills/achievements better.

    In order to feel prepared for an interview individuals should do the following suggestions:

1. Research the company: By getting an understanding of a companies history, principle's, and background an individual will discover common themes. Individuals can learn if they truly want to work for them and they can feel prepared when the recruiter ask why they would like to join.

2. Dress appropriately: It is recommend to dress similarly to how the employees dress as it looks like you actually care. For example if you are applying to a retail store try to dress similar to the style they sell and if you are applying to a bank dress more formal.

3. Practice for your interview: Being nervous can defiantly alter how we communicate by practicing with someone you can practice your speech and form great responses.
    - Prepare yourself with common question asked.

4. Ask yourself questions: What do you want to do? What are your best skills? What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? What do you value? 
- Getting to know yourself will make you so much more comfortable. After I practiced these exercises I felt almost always confident for any job interview. I used to get anxious thinking about how to make myself look like a good candidate but by staying true to myself and focusing on the positive I did a better job then previous interviews I have done.

    If you did not interview well do not worry continue practicing and continue building your confidence. Also keep in mind that rejection is not bad and that perhaps their is a better suited job for you or you may just need a little more revising to do.

Integrated, Birotojob. “How to Prepare for an Interview and Possible Questions You Can Ask during an Interview.” LinkedIn, 2023, www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-prepare-interview-possible-questions-you-can-/.


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